About us
Meet the three partners of Gebr. Grootscholten: John, Mark and Remy.
John Grootscholten
I’m in charge of selling our products. To me, keeping to agreements is imperative when it comes to contact with our customers. However, I also think the relationship with our suppliers is vital. We like building up long-lasting relationships, with buyers and with suppliers.
I’m proud of the fact employees stay on with us for the long term. We also like transferring responsibilities to others, which in turn provides more space to get on with other things. Offering more responsibility to those you think can handle it gives him or her more of a challenge at work. That helps you yourself and your employees to progress at the company.
You’ll often find me at the nursery, but if I’m not at work I like getting on my racing bike. And if the weather’s good, you can’t beat a spot of sailing.

Mark Grootscholten
For me, the best product is a complete product. Not only is quality important, but it's also the finer points that count when delivering. In the end, that means the best products are leaving us.
Full cars leaving your business at the end of the morning mean customers know where to find you, and that you still have something to offer. To deliver a good product, it’s important everyone knows what their task is, and that they perform it correctly. Products then leave neatly packed and processed. I think that’s great. My responsibilities at the nursery are planning along with labour and purchasing.
You’ll often find me at the nursery, but as soon as the weather’s nice or the work’s done, I like being at home with my family. In my free time, I like meeting up with friends to go and do things with the children. As soon as the season's over, I like hopping on my bike!

Remy van der Knaap
It all started with an internship in 2002 from the Horticulture School. I liked it here and so I stayed, and I’ve now been a third partner since January 2017. The duties within the company are properly divided between the three of us. I’m responsible for the cultivation, which is also where my experience and passion lies. I examine the product and see what’s required. I like occupying myself with nature elements, and make adjustments where necessary. I love the sunshine in the spring and winter, when the plants start glimmering.
Besides being responsible for cultivation, I’m a great addition as a person. John and Mark tend to hold back somewhat. while I’m more matter-of-fact and decisive. There’s a solution for everything, and that's how we complement each other so well. It means we’re a good team in a great company!
In my free time I like skating and cycling, And our two young children mean things never get boring.