Kwekerij Grootscholten
At our modern company in Kwintsheul we grow a broad selection of annual summer bloomers, cyclamens and other seasonal products. Our attention to detail makes us specialists in selling smaller numbers intended for same-day trade, and with our new nursery situated across from us, we have the space to grow and are all set for the future.
Broad selection of annual summer bloomers, cyclamen & seasonal products.
Our motto
With our selection, we aim to provide more than just a well cultivated product. We regard it as a complete picture. A good relationship with our suppliers provides us with good basic materials. With our knowledge of growing, we make this into a high-quality product. The high requirements we set when delivering mean that in the end, products leave us having been treated with the utmost care.
This means you can be just what you want to be: a supplier with more than just a well cultivated product!